Places and Spaces

Current Infrastructure Projects

Information about sporting infrastructure projects being undertaken in the ACT

Planning and Infrastructure Resources 

Information to assist in the planning and development of quality facilities

Aquatic & Leisure Facilities

Information on the locations and fees of Government owned pools in the ACT


Information on booking fees and ground availability in the ACT

The ACT Government works with sport and recreation organisations to assist in the planning and development of quality facilities and environments to support a diverse range of sport and active recreation experiences.

Sport and Recreation Facilities (within Transport Canberra City Services) is responsible for the management and maintenance of all ACT Government sport and recreation facilities such as sportsgrounds and Community Recreation Irrigated Parks.

ACT Property Group (within Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate) is responsible for the management of  ACT Government owned swimming pools, along with the development and execution of capital works projects for new aquatic facilities, and the improvement or refurbishment of existing pools.