CBR Next Move

CBR Next Move provides the direction and a roadmap for strengthening and developing sport and active recreation in the ACT over the next six years to 2028.

The vision

All Canberrans moving more through sport and active recreation

Our mission

To provide leadership, support and to champion a sport and active recreation sector that is welcoming, progressive and sustainable.
Sport and Recreation will take action in the following ways:
  • Appropriate, effective, and progressive policy
  • Governance and process improvement
  • Targeted and considered investments
  • Education and training to address capability & capacity gaps
  • Building partnerships and collaboration across Government and with the community
  • Capturing and sharing Sport and Active Recreation data to drive evidence-based decision-making
  • Supporting digital transformation & innovation
  • Helping the community to adapt to climate change

Strategic Priorities

Building the skills and scale of the sport and active recreation workforce, including volunteers, to address sector challenges and opportunities.

Key Projects

  • Leading key data capture & benchmarking projects – these include work to quantify our sector’s economic impact and its carbon footprint.
  • Investment to support innovation in the sport and active recreation product to improve the participant experience.
  • Training and resources to develop sector capability in areas such as digital transformation, environmental sustainability and innovation.
  • In partnership with the community helping to develop the volunteering opportunities offered in sport and active recreation.
  • Communicating the investment, activities and impact delivered by government into the sport and active recreation community.

Facilities, infrastructure, and open space to enable sport and recreation participation

Key Projects

  • Developing a shared understanding of the priority places and spaces that support the sport and active recreation sector.
  • Development and maintenance of sport and active recreation places and spaces.
  • Establishing environmental sustainability best practice for sport and active recreation places and spaces.
  • Working across government, developing the systems, processes and resources for facilities, such as schools, to be suitable and accessible for the community.

Developing the culture, knowledge, processes, and service environments to consistently deliver positive participation experiences

Key Projects

  • Ongoing engagement and consultation with representative community group bodies.
  • Targeted education and training to support increased understanding of the needs of minority groups in accessing participation opportunities, child safeguarding, harassment and discrimination.
  • Development of minimum standards for organisational settings to support safe, sustainable and enjoyable experiences.

Supporting the pathways at all levels for long-term participation and talent development

Key Projects

  • Targeted investment to address barriers to sport and active recreation participation.
  • Influence investment and polices across government to enhance physical literacy.
  • Develop resources that enable the Canberra community to locate and participate in sport and recreation activities.
  • Working with our local elite sporting athletes and teams, individually or in partnership, to nurture talent in the ACT.

Download a copy of CBR Next Move (PDF 5MB)